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Expression of interest opens for OFA Participation Groups

We are looking to have representatives from as many areas of the game as possible to help us continuously improve grassroots football in Oxfordshire.

In his recent Q&A here, our new Chair, David Tutton, promised to launch new participation groups to ensure greater engagement and a closer relationship between the OFA and our local clubs and leagues.

This is a chance for you to get involved in helping ensure better communication and greater consultation as part of a more inclusive and democratic decision-making process.

Purpose of the Oxfordshire FA Participation Groups:

  • To debate issues and reflect the views of its members.
  • To support all football in Oxfordshire regardless of gender, age, disability or any other protected characteristic or demographic background.
  • To represent Oxfordshire FA and highlight the work being undertaken.
  • To provide clear feedback on decisions made to those you represent.
  • To increase and sustain participation within the County.

To find out more, download the Oxfordshire FA Participation Groups Application Pack by clicking the button below.


Deadline for completing the Expression of Interest Form is Friday 15th September 2023.