Referee Insurance

Are you insured?

Protecting yourself against the results of accidents whilst officiating, training, or travelling to games is recommended for all registered referees.

If you become injured whilst participating in any sanctioned referee activity you could incur significant financial losses as a result. Our bespoke personal accident insurance can help offset some of these unexpected expenses.

For detailed information about the policy, download this document - Referee Personal Accident Insurance 2019/20

Oxfordshire FA is an introducer appointed representative of Bluefin Insurance Services Ltd registered in England & Wales (No: 00931954) at: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU. Bluefin Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


We encourage all referees to purchase personal accident insurance for their own benefit. However, it is not a mandatory requirement of being a registered referee.
£5 per season - can't say fairer than that!
You can attain this insurance during the registration/re-registration process or by getting in touch with us, at anytime throughout the season.

Contact Bluefin Sport

By Phone: 0345 872 5060
(9.00am - 5.00pm Monday-Friday)

By Email: