
Applications Open to Join Youth Leadership Team!

We're welcoming applications from young leaders, volunteers and players across Oxfordshire to join our Youth Leadership Team for next season.

Offering a voice to children and young people in the county, the Youth Leadership Team (YLT) aims to improve football through offering opinions and advice, delivering projects, running events and developing new programmes to help shape football within the county.

The OFA are looking for people aged 14-24 who would like to be involved in this team and have a passion to help shape how football is run in Oxfordshire.

Over the past 24 months, the YLT have developed a number of projects, including supporting the launch of a new county respect initiative #PassThePositivity, and delivery of a highly successful Volunteer Appreciation Programme, which allows clubs and leagues to put forward nominations for a monthly award for our most dedicated volunteers.

The group have also worked with Oxfordshire FA staff to consult with young people across the county. The aim was to find out young people's experiences in football and understand how we can keep young players and referees in the game into their adult years. The feedback will help shape work of Oxfordshire FA and Youth Leadership Team throughout 2022-23.

Oxfordshire FA are looking for new members that can join the team and can support with some of the exciting projects for the new season!

Example projects for the new season could include:

- Youth Engagement ProjectsYouth Leadership Team - Youth Leadership Days
- Youth Consultation
- Supporting with festivals and events
- And more…!

The benefits of being part of the team includes:

- Develop your leadership skills
- Improve your CV
- Make a difference to football across the county
- Access to CPD Training Workshops run by OFA

Meetings will run on the following dates:

Monday 5th September 2022, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 17th October 2022, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 28th November 2022, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 9th January 2023, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 13th February 2023, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 3rd April 2023, 6:30pm – 8pm
Monday 15th May 2023, 6:30pm – 8pm

Please note that meetings will be face to face at Witney ATP, and there is an expectation that members should attend all meetings where possible. If you have any questions on this, please get in touch.

Depending on projects, additional virtual meetings could be scheduled.

To apply to be part of the team, simply click here and fill out the application form.

The closing date for applications is Friday 8th July 2022.

Please note, you must live or be involved with a club, league or organisation in the Oxfordshire FA boundary – if you have any questions get in touch.

There will be informal interviews for those that have been shortlisted. Anyone aged U18 must be joined by a parent or guardian.

For more information on the Youth Leadership Team, please contact Michael Thurlow on 01993 778586 or