adult inclusive

Get Inclusive, Raise Awareness and Get Involved

Saturday marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities: we're celebrating by raising awareness and helping people get involved.

Saturday 3rd December 2022 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

This is a day to celebrate the achievement of people around the world and increase the understanding and awareness of the challenges that people with disabilities face.

We are celebrating again this year by raising awareness of disability football across the county with the aim of helping more people with disabilities get involved.

Get inclusive & Raise Awareness! 

We will soon be launching our pledge to supporting the growth and development of the game in the county following our recent disability youth consultation. Watch this space…

youth inclusive 

Get Involved!

Continue reading for further details on the opportunities available to participate across Oxfordshire!

Our role as a county FA is to make sure football is inclusive and ForAll. As part of this work we strive to ensure all people with a disability have the opportunity to participate and enjoy the game in Oxfordshire – whether that is within the mainstream game or in disability specific provision.

To help raise awareness of provision available across the county, we have updated our Oxfordshire FA Disability Club & Turn-up & Play Directory below which provides information on the opportunities to play disability football in Oxfordshire. Please get in touch for further details via

Download out  Disability Club & Turn-up & Play Directory

Can’t find a local opportunity?

As part of our mission to make sure everyone in Oxfordshire has access to football, we're determined to help you find playing opportunities.

Complete the short form here, and we will help find a team near you!