Oxfordshire FA CEO Update - 6 April 2020
Today (6 April 2020), Oxfordshire FA Chief Executive Officer has provided the county's grassroots community with an update regarding County FA staff in the on-going COVID-19 situation...
Dear All,
Firstly, I hope you are all safe, well and keeping positive whilst we battle against this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic together.
Following an Oxfordshire FA Board meeting conducted this week, I am writing to advise you on updated key actions we will implementing with immediate effect:
Due there being no football and no imminent signs of it returning as yet, the Board made the following decision;
With effect from 4pm on 3 April 2020, all Oxfordshire FA staff with the exception of those listed below will be on furlough leave until (at least) 24 April 2020:
Ian Mason - CEO
Steve Honey - Governance Manager
Michael Thurlow - Football Development Manager
Andrew Evans - Administrator
Please use these email addresses which we all can access to deal with any queries you may have;
Furlough leave is a temporary leave of absence for economic reasons and is designed to help the company remain sustainable in the long term.
Our workforce have been supportive of this decision and look forward to returning to work at the earliest possible opportunity.
Therefore, please direct any enquiries through to one of the four members of staff mentioned above and we will respond as swiftly as we possibly can.
Please stay safe, keep well and follow Government advice.
Ian Mason
Chief Executive Officer
Oxfordshire FA