
Extra Time Service


Oxfordshire FA is dedicated to supporting the sustainability and growth of grassroots football across the county.

The ‘Extra Time’ service gives leagues, clubs and volunteer’s the ability to make us aware of any teams that may fold and the opportunity to seek help and advice.

Are you aware of any teams that are having difficulties with a lack of volunteers and/or players?

Teams may get into difficulty throughout the season be it through finances, lack of volunteers and/or player.

We want to help!

As well as helping you promote for players and volunteers via our noticeboards, Oxfordshire FA can offer or point you in the direction of tailored support and guidance to meet your needs. This could be on club development, marketing opportunities, training for coaches/volunteers and potential funding opportunities throughout the season.

So, if your team or you know of a team which could do with some help, then please click here to complete a short questionnaire!


Our dedicated Football Development Team will review the information you have provided, seek solutions and be in touch in order to start the process to get you back on track

For more details regarding the service, please contact Oxfordshire FA Development Team on or 01993 778586.


The ‘Extra Time’ service gives leagues, clubs and volunteers the ability to make Oxfordshire FA aware of any teams that may fold and the opportunity to seek help and advice. 

Our dedicated Football Development Team will review the information you have provided, seek solutions and be in touch in order to start the process to get you back on track.

Please call 01993 778586 and ask to speak to our Football Development Manager, Michael Thurlow.


Get In Touch

By Phone: 01295 407553

By Email: