Developing your Facilties

Developing your Facilities

Are you looking to update, renovate or build a football facility?

An essential step in starting to develop any facility project is to make contact with us. 

Oxfordshire FA plays a key role in supporting and guiding applicants through the process of developing a project as well as identifying available funding to bring it to life.

If you are intending to improve your football facilities (which may involve 3G football turf pitches, changing room pavilions / clubhouses, grass pitch improvements or better indoor/outdoor spaces) please contact Andy Earnshaw via the contact details on the right.

Following this, you may be asked to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form which can be found below.

Expression of interest form

Please note if you have already started work on your project (for example, building/construction has already begun), then it is unlikely that your project will be eligible for funding.


Funding for facilities is constantly changing, but we aim to keep you up to date with the main funding bodies that can support the development of any facility project. Our comprehensive 'Grantfinder' guide to all things funding can found by following the link below.

Alternatively, take a look at the Grants & Funding section of our website for additional information on funding opportunities.


Get In Touch

By Phone: 01295 407553

By Email:


Find funding


Our GrantFinder is an easy to use, interactive funding guide containing a range of schemes and grants available to football.