FA Disability Cup Semi Final Match

Adults at Risk


Safeguarding is not restricted to children and young people. Adults with medical conditions and learning issues are considered at risk and we have a responsibility towards them. Many of these participate in mainstream sports whilst those more vulnerable due to conditions play in inclusion leagues such as BOBi.

One of the leading organisations on providing guidance and advice for adults at risk is The Ann Craft Trust, of which more details are below. The FA also provide an online training resource specifically for Adults at Risk and that can be accessed via our 'Training' page.
The Ann Craft Trust is a leading safeguarding organisation.
Funded by Sport England, the Trust provides information, advice and guidance to the sport and activity sector involving Adults at Risk.
Their guide is designed to give you an overview of your responsibilities towards safeguarding adults. It explains what safeguarding adults is, explores relevant legislation, guidance and links this to sport and activity settings
Disability football