Join our team!
In July 2017, the membership of the Oxfordshire Football Association (OFA) voted to abolish their long-standing Council structure to make decision making and development of football in Oxfordshire more transparent and inclusive whilst providing for lifestyles of people today and in the future.
As part of that plan to move forwards, the OFA are looking to recruit volunteers for the areas listed below and invite applications from across the community.
Independent Non-Executive Directors
We are looking for two Non-Executive Directors with specific skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: HR, commercial, marketing, social media and communications and sports development. The responsibilities of the individuals would include;
To strengthen connections with the OFA’s key stakeholders, maintaining its external reputation;
Drawing on your experience, knowledge and contacts, help the OFA to develop new partnerships;
In conjunction with the OFA Board, develop and execute the vision for the organisation;
Provide independent and expert advice to support both the Board in optimising performance;
Ensure that The OFA promotes best practice corporate governance, providing challenges and feedback where necessary;
Undertake comprehensive support and add value in the areas of HR, Governance, Commercial and Sponsorship Programmes, Marketing, Strategy and Risk Mitigation to the Board and Senior Management.
Act as an ambassador for the OFA, forging constructive relationships at all levels across the game;
Promote the long-term interests of football and the OFA across a diverse range of activities; and
Commit to up to 12 evenings per annum to attend OFA Board meetings and sit on at least one focus group
Independent Local Football Anti-Discrimination Panel members
The FA Football’s Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Plan 2013-2017 brings together varied stakeholders from across the game with a comprehensive plan to promote inclusion and tackle discrimination in all its forms. The plan seeks to address issues and incidents of discrimination in English Football and encourages greater inclusion across the game.
As part of the plan, Oxfordshire Football Association (OFA) is now seeking to appoint further local members for its Local Football Anti-Discrimination Panel, (LFADP).
OFA is looking for a diverse group of committed individuals across the Country with a variety of backgrounds and to be reflective of the local community and local football teams. Applicants need to be independent from The FA and County FA structures and have relevant experience of equality and/or judicial fundamentals to sit and adjudicate on these cases.
Independent Discipline Commission members
The FA have stated that all County FA’s must have an independent member on all Disciplinary Panels from January 2018 therefore as a result OFA is looking for a group of committed individuals across the Country with a variety of backgrounds and to be reflective of the local community and local football teams. Applicants need to be independent from The FA and County FA Council – training will be provided.
Details on how to apply for any of these positions or for more information, please read the relevant Application Pack(s)
Applications close at midnight on 10th January 2018